Friday, February 25, 2011

Home Training Day Five

16 February, 2011:
Home Training Day Five:

Today was a huge, long day for everyone. Today was our road trip to Chicago!!
Mike-the-trainer, LD Mike and I took the 7:45 A.M. Metra train into Chicago so that I could make two eye appointments. LD Mike slept most of the trip in. So trains are obviously not going to be a problem for us. We arrived at Millennium station at 9:00 A.M and worked our way through the station to Randolph Street.

Then we headed to the El station at Randolph and Wabash. We only waited a minute or two before a Pink Line train (the one we needed to catch). We boarded and within a few stops Mike was snoring happily at my feet.

We got off the El at the Polk Street station where LD Mike balked at the head of the set of stairs heading down to street level. I used vocal encouragement and a bit of harness English to keep LD Mike moving. After we got onto Polk Street, I found a spot and offered LD Mike a chance to “park”. We worked over to Paulina and then down to Taylor Street. We had some time before my first eye appointment so on our way past the University Of Illinois Chicago (UIC) hospital we took a short detour to see how LD Mike would handle the revolving door. I found that I need to keep tight control of LD Mike when exiting the revolving door because if I did not he would erupt out of the revolving door like a bullet from a rifle. On our way out I did something, without thinking, that earned me a verbal “leash correction”. I failed to wait for the door to stop spinning, a stupid mistake, but luckily LD Mike was not hurt. We got to the sidewalk and headed along Taylor Street towards the UIC Eye and Ear Infirmary. I found the new place to check-in for the contact lens department. We did not have to wait too long in the waiting room before I was called into the exam room by a tech. 

Mike-the-trainer stayed in the waiting room while LD Mike and I followed the tech. LD Mike settled right down by my side as I sat in the exam chair. When the tech stepped near him he jumped up to say “Hi!” to her. He settled right back down though Go MIKE!! After the tech switched out the contact in the right eye, we waited for the doctor.
The doctor checked to see if we needed to change the lens prescription, but the current one was kept. After finishing the appointment the three of us went back along Taylor Street to the hospital to have lunch. LD Mike did fantastic while we went through the cafeteria, then had lunch. So LD Mike and I had two more shots at the revolving door. We both did awesome! We went back to the Eye And Ear Infirmary and checked in for my second appointment.

Then we waited, waited, waited some more and..., wait for it, waited some more... Even though I had checked in a half hour before my appointment time it was nearly two hours past my appointment time before a tech took me into the exam room. I have to brag on LD Mike! He was so patient in the waiting room and also very glad to meet and greet new people. LD Mike behaved very well in the exam room with the tech, then back we went to the waiting room to.. gasp... wait some more. After a short wait the doctor called me back and she and LD Mike got on well. Again, LD Mike lay patiently at my side during the exam. After the appointment we took a slightly different route back to the El statioin on Polk Street. As we were approaching the station Mike-the-trainer alerted me that there was another team coming towards us. I took the leash in my right hand as we closed with the other team. LD Mike showed interest in the other dog, but a firm “Leave it, straight.” to LD Mike and a bit of harness English and we were past the other team. It was so AMAZING!! To be able to go past another working team with so little effort, (More on this incident in a bit). We went on into the station and I decided to try LD Mike out on the escalator. BAD move! LD Mike balked, but I did get him on the escalator. This is something I will not try again any time soon, not with the way LD Mike freaked out. We boarded our train and on the way to the Randolph and Wabash El station, Mike-the-trainer mentioned that he had seen the handler of the other dog we passed very heavily leash and verbally correcting her dog. LD Mike slept most of the way We arrived at Millennium Station and Mike-the-trainer bought his return ticket when we checked the board we found the track number of a train to University Park that was leaving in five minutes. We found our train and boarded. Again, LD Mike slept most of the trip. He must have been very tired because he sprawled out and snored, loudly. When we reached University Park and were leaving the station LD Mike showed quite a bit of assertiveness in harness. I am not complaining, I was just surprised that such a young dog would have that assertiveness this early in his career.. I can only say that it felt very good to feel LD Mike's assertiveness as we were going down the ramps.
Mike-the-trainer dropped LD Mike and I off at home and let me know when to be ready tomorrow for our last day of training.
Today was HUGE and LD Mike again showed that he is a very patient pup. The icing on the cake, for me, was the ease with which we passed the other working team on Polk Street.

To Be Continued...

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Home Training Day Four

15 February, 2011:
Home Training Day Four:

Today proved that being flexible is very important during home training.
I received a phone call from a local school that I sometimes substitute teach at requesting my services for the day. I said I would check something and call them right back. I quickly called Mike-the-trainer to see if it was a viable training option for today. He said it would be OK as long as the school did not mind him observing, I said I would check and give him a call back. The director of the school was happy to Mike-the-trainer and LD Mike there. The staff and students, for the most part, have been very receptive to a Leader Dog being in the classroom. 
Here is where the flexibility comes in. Mike-the-trainer and I had planned on a short visit to the school in the morning and then a trip to the local mall that afternoon. With a full day teaching we scrubbed the trip to the mall for the day.
LD Mike was such a trouper today, he stayed calm even though we had four different groups of students. The only time LD Mike showed anxiety was when I was anxious and he was picking up on it. He did not beg for attention very much either. There was only one piece of drama during the day. There was a student that flat-out refused to enter the classroom because LD Mike was in the room. The school director escorted the student to a different classroom for the period.
During the breakfast and lunch breaks LD Mike took me up and down the corridor without being food distracted. WAY TO GO LD MIKE!! After classes were over for the day Mike-the-trainer took some pictures that were possibilities for the ID from Leader Dogs. 

On the way home Mike-the-trainer and I discussed the day and both of us were very pleased with LD Mike's performance and behaviour at school. I admit that I had worried about that. With LD Patriot (ret.) we had been a working team for years before I began to substitute teach. It is a vast relief for me that LD Mike is ready to step up to the plate from the beginning of our career together.

To Be Continued...

Home Training Day Three

14 February, 2011:
Home Training Day Three:

We did a change-up for today's training. We would not be doing a morning route because I would be captioning in the morning and part of the afternoon. Mike-the-trainer arrived shortly after I finished working and we loaded up and headed out to pick up a bag of dog food. LD Mike did really, really well as we shopped. When we got out to the van I talked Mike-the-trainer into making a quick run to so I could pick up some roses and chocolates. When LD Mike and I came out of the store I was flying totally blind because the sun was shining brightly right in my eyes. I had to totally trust LD Mike on the way to the van. He did not let me down and worked like a champion. With Valentine's Day covered, Mike-the-trainer and I made plans to meet at the library later so that LD Mike and I could work a night route together. The night route was a great experience for LD Mike and I.  I was so very proud of LD Mike as we were walking along the library building we approached where we would usually turn to take the steps down from the street level to the library parking lot.  I had already decided to continue down to the next street and LD Mike did not try to automatically turn left to take me to the steps, but he was ready to if I had asked him to.  Very smart work on his part!!

To Be Continued...

Home Training Day Two

13 February, 2011:
Home Training Day Two:

Over hot mugs of coffee Mike-the-trainer and I discussed the training programme for today. We decided that we would repeat the route we did yesterday then play it by ear. I worked hard to pick up on LD Mike's signals as we worked East along Court Street. I think I was doing better. When we got to the Post Office I worked LD Mike up the steps and did a quick circuit inside then back out and heading West along Court Street. I did better this time at keeping LD Mike moving as I worked him past the food distraction. LD Mike was also doing better about working closer to the up and down kerbs. When the three of us got to Lydia And Groucho's we discovered that the coffee shop was not open for business. So we reversed route again and worked back to our base of operations, the library. On the way back I did even better at keeping LD Mike working past the food on the ground and we had our first traffic check. As we were diverting into a parking lot off of the sidewalk because of a huge pile of snow in our path, I heard a pick-up approaching. LD Mike and I did, I think, very well and continued our route back to the van. On the way home Mike-the-trainer and I talked over possible training routes for the afternoon and we decided on working out of the library parking lot again but to head down towards the Walgreen's at Washington and Court.
Later that afternoon Mike-the-trainer picked us up. The route started out according to plan, but Murphy struck as we were approaching the bridge. We had crossed an alley and were getting back on the sidewalk when my foot hit a patch of slush and I abruptly landed on my glutaeus maximus, good thing I have plenty of padding there, and my back. I never let go of LD Mike's leash and instead of spooking, or bolting he came and licked my face as if to say, “We are not going to get anywhere with you down there.” After checking to make sure everything still worked right we crossed the bridge and found the second surprise Murphy had in store for us. The sidewalk across the street was buried under feet, literally feet, of snow. So we turned back around and worked back up to Schuyler and Court. We crossed Court and followed Schuyler North to Oak Street, crossed Schuyler and headed back towards Court. The walk back to the Library was not too bad, but I was glad to climb into the van and load up LD Mike so we could head back to the house. All in all another good day of training. LD Mike and I are working better together and I discovered that LD Mike would not desert me if I fell. That felt really, really good!!

To Be Continued...

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Home Training Day One

12 February, 2011:
Home Training Day One:

LD Mike's good morning lick to wake me up at 6:00 A.M. showed that I need not have bothered setting the alarm. I got dressed, fed, watered and parked him. I tried to lay back down for some more shuteye, but I was to keyed up to go back to sleep so I went downstairs and started some coffee brewing. I took my mug into the living room and LD Mike jumped up and curled up beside me on the couch. As I sipped my coffee I could only shake my head in wonder as I pondered the wondrous event that had happened yesterday afternoon. About 3:00 P.M. LD Mike and I met for the first time. WOW!!!! What a handsome, smart dog!! I was ready to fall in love with LD Mike even before he arrived here in Kankakee and I did!! From the start it appeared that the feeling, on LD Mike's part, were mutual!!
After Mike-the-trainer departed for his hotel I began my homework assignment. I started listening to some Leader Dog Lectures and worked on bonding with LD Mike. Mike-the-trainer had said to start bonding with LD Mike, but that process had begun the moment LD Mike stepped into the house. Throughout a pleasant evening we continued to bond. Mike jumped up on the couch and fell asleep curled up with his chin on my thigh. I quickly discovered that he snores, LOUDLY!!
At bedtime LD Mike curled up on his brand new bed with his nose as close to me as he could get.
Time passed, my reverie ended and I got up to get ready for Mike-the-trainer's arrival to begin our first day of home training. Over coffee we discussed our programme for the day. Since a majority of the sidewalks close to home were buried under snow we decided to go up to the public library and work around the downtown area since the sidewalks were cleared. We loaded up and headed up to the library. We got out and I harnessed up LD Mike, I picked up the harness handle, asked him “Mike forward?” for the first time and we took off like an F-22 fighter!! WOW!!!! What a feeling!! I felt as elated as a grounded pilot who got his wings back! We worked in to the library then headed out to the streets. We moved more quickly than I had moved since LD Patriot had retired. What a RUSH!! Walking along S. Schuyler Ave, LD Mike took me up to the kerb at Schuyler and Court, he stopped a bit short and I did my footwork to get right on the kerb. We did a right cutback turn and headed East along Court towards Harrison. I quickly discovered that LD Mike liked to hug the left side of the sidewalk and that he was very subtle in his signaling. That's par for the course when beginning to work with a new dog. I knew intellectually that LD Mike would signal differently than LD Patriot had, but it took actually feeling it for the fact to really sink in. Mike-the-trainer tagged along behind us observing and offering tips, counsel and “verbal leash corrections” (to me) as needed.
When we got to the corner of Harrison and Court we discovered that when the streets were plowed the Court side of the corner was completely buried in snow. I asked LD Mike “Mike Forward?” and as soon as we were in Harrison I told him “Mike Left” and we worked around the corner, then squared up to cross Court to the Post Office. We crossed and then worked into the Post Office since it is a place that I would normally go. Coming out of the Post Office we headed West along Court back towards Schuyler. LD Mike worked me flawlessly around a snow-pile blocking our path, I had to slow him down when we got past it onto the sidewalk again and hit uneven snow and ice. LD Mike is such a trouper!! Even though I had to use some “Harness English” to get LD Mike past a food distraction. Someone had dropped some bread and rolls in the middle of the sidewalk... We continued along Court until we were back to the corner of Schuyler and Court I suggested a coffee to Mike-the-trainer, he readily agreed so LD Mike and I did a right cutback turn and headed South along North Schuyler towards Lydia and Groucho's (A local coffee shop and deli). After our coffees we reversed the route back to the library. I have to share a brag about LD Mike, on our way back towards the Post Office we encountered some uneven snow and ice and LD Mike slowed down without any prompting from me! I could really get used to this!!
Mike-the-trainer dropped LD Mike and I at home, told us when he would be back for our second training session and headed back to his hotel for a break.
At 2:00 P.M. We loaded up and headed to the grocery store to pick up some things we needed for supper. LD Mike worked well in the store and in the produce section that he had a 90 pound nose. Mike-the-trainer gave me some tips as we shopped. We took one last trip around the store before we left and LD Mike handled some impromptu “traffic checks” like a champion. Mike-the-trainer and I were both impressed with LD Mike's performance in handling the store.
All in all not a bad first day of training. I am over the moon to be working with a dog again!!

To Be Continued...

Friday, February 11, 2011

Welcome home Leader Dog Mike!!!!

The clock is ticking but time seems frozen. Mike the trainer just called. They will be here in fifteen minutes. My stomach is a tight knot, my hands are trembling, my mind is racing from one thought to another… what if we don’t bond… what if it doesn’t work out… will he like his new home… why aren’t they here already???
The white Leader Dogs For the Blind van pulls up in front of the house. The instructions were simple. Mike the trainer will come in and have me sign some papers, hand me the leash and give me the OK to go out to the van and meet LD Mike. In a dream like sequence, I see myself signing the papers. Mike is talking but his voice gets lost in my thoughts. LD Mike is in the van. Just a few yards from me! Suddenly the leash is in my hands and Mike says “OK lets go meet your boy” I’m flying towards the van. The door opens and THERE HE IS! in his crate. Mike took the leash from me and snapped it to LD Mike’s collar and he came charging out of the crate and into my life.
Holding that leash felt so amazing. The next step was to introduce LD Mike to Leni and Harley who were there waiting anxiously to greet him. The two dogs took to each other instantly while Leni and I were performing feats of magic of untangling leashes and puppies.
Once the two dogs got a good sniff of each other, Mike said it would be OK for Leni to take the leash and say her hello’s to LD Mike. Tails were wagging and smiles were plastered across everyone’s face.
We go inside and let the two dogs interact while we talk and lay down the training plan. LD Mike relaxes contentedly in his bed chewing on his Nylabone while Harley is nearby instigating. At one point, they were both chewing on either end of the poor Nylabone.
Mike the trainer stayed long enough to give me my homework… listen to some of the lectures and bond with LD Mike. The latter part didn’t take long. While Mike the trainer was still here I had to use the restroom. I got up and asked him to hold on to LD Mike’s leash. The moment I left the room LD Mike followed me with his eyes. Mike made him SIT but his gaze was fixed on the door I had gone out of as if he was wondering where I had gone and why I didn’t take him along. The moment he heard my footsteps approaching, he stood up, his tail wagging frantically and took a few steps towards me. We spent the rest of the afternoon playing and just letting LD Mike explore his new home and get to know us. Now as I am typing this LD Mike is sleeping by my feet. 
Welcome home LD Mike.

To Leader Dog Patriot (ret.)

In these last hours of my wait for LD Mike to arrive, although I am excited and anxious, I cannot help but reminisce aboout my last trusty companion now retired LD Patriot (ret.). Patriot and I became a team in 2003. The bond between us was instant and strong. Not only was he my eyes, but a trusted friend that stood by me through the thick and thin that life threw at me… A University Degree, a divorce, moving to another town and a new career. Looking back I can’t help but think that without him by my side I would not have been able to accomplish the things that I have. THANK YOU Patriot, my trusty companion, my loyal friend. I hope you have the great retirement that you so richly deserve. You will ALWAYS hold a special place in my heart!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

The Call...

10 February, 2011:
Today began with a bang!
I got a call around 0800 from Mike S. to tell me that he and LD Mike would be heading out tomorrow morning and will probably be arriving at the house around midday!!
I am so EXCITED!!!!  Less than 24 hours until I meet the fabulous LD Mike!!!! 
I can barely stand the wait until the new family member arrives!

Tomorrow is D-Day!!!!


First Contact...

09 February, 2011:
Last night I sent an email to several dog guide related lists that I am on announcing the news about LD Mike's imminent arrival.  On one of the lists I asked if the person who was Mike's puppy raiser would contact me.  Through that list and subsequent off-list emails, Mike's raiser and I connected.  
She seems to be almost as excited as I are!!  I have begun to avidly read back posts on Patti's Blog
I have been able to see pictures of Mike from when he was a puppy to the day he was turned over to Leader Dogs for formal harness training and to see some videos of Mike... WOW!!!
The excitement just keeps ratcheting up!!!!


Beta Testing...

08 February, 2011:
I was doing chores around the house when Stacey from Graduate Services called to ask if I would be willing to be a "Beta Tester" for a new bit of kit called Captain.  It turns out that I will be one of the first one hundred students to get our hot little hands on this new tech!
I eagerly agreed to the proposition!
I also spoke some more with Mike S. about a few details.  
The excitement continues to build!!


Wednesday, February 9, 2011

In The Beginning

07 February, 2011:
This afternoon I received a call from Mike, a field representative from Leader Dogs For The Blind.
Mike let me know that he would be delivering my new Leader Dog at the end of the week.  Thursday was possible, but Friday was more likely.
Following the time honoured traditions of all the Leader Dog students have have gone before me, I went into wheedle mode to pry as much information as I could from Mike about my new partner.
Here's the skinny...
Name:   Mike
Breed:   Black Lab
Age:      17 Months
Weight: 58 pounds.
Mike will be the third black lab male that I have worked with from Leader Dogs.
I am flying HIGH!!!!
I have sorely missed working with a dog and hated having to rely on a cane since Leader Dog Patriot (ret.) hung up his harness for the last time.

To Be Continued...


My name is Wayne.  I have worked with two Leader Dogs since May 2000.  Leader Dog Sequoia (2000-2003) and Leader Dog Patriot (2003-2010).  This blog will chronicle my life with Leader Dog Mike, my third Leader Dog.