Friday, February 11, 2011

To Leader Dog Patriot (ret.)

In these last hours of my wait for LD Mike to arrive, although I am excited and anxious, I cannot help but reminisce aboout my last trusty companion now retired LD Patriot (ret.). Patriot and I became a team in 2003. The bond between us was instant and strong. Not only was he my eyes, but a trusted friend that stood by me through the thick and thin that life threw at me… A University Degree, a divorce, moving to another town and a new career. Looking back I can’t help but think that without him by my side I would not have been able to accomplish the things that I have. THANK YOU Patriot, my trusty companion, my loyal friend. I hope you have the great retirement that you so richly deserve. You will ALWAYS hold a special place in my heart!


  1. Love the picture of patriot. what happen to patriot after he retired? Your friend Julia

    Has Mike arrived?I am so excited to hear the news of how your first day went.

  2. Hi Julia,
    Now that Patriot is retired he gets to live as a pet. He is living with the aunt and uncle of his puppy raiser. We talk with them frequently and he seems to be adjusting well and having a blast.
    I hope you enjoy reading about LD MIke's first day at his new home.

    Wayne & LD Mike

  3. Hi Wayne! My husband and I are puppy raisers in Piper City. When I told my husband about you and Mike I mentioned that your retired LD was called Patriot and he said well he must have been from Piper at some point cause we had a Wayne and Patriot LD team in our practice (my husband is the vet in Piper). If it's you --he said you knew Tom and Shadow. I found your blog through Patti Brehler, my FB friend. She has been very helpful to me as Kira is our first FLD. I also find your blog inspiring as a raiser cause sometimes I get caught up in the daily frustration of raising a high energy puppy and forget that someday she might change someone's life for the better. Good luck to you and Mike. We enjoyed watching him grow through Patti's posts. My favorite was when he went nuts watching himself on the computer. Al and Jo Whitman (I'll follow your blog if I can figure out how to set up an account.)

  4. Hi Wayne,
    I found your blog through L^2's "Awesome Blog Award" post. My first Leader Dog, Jetta, puppy raisers raised a dog named Patriot for Leader Dog-it could be a coincidence, but maybe Jetta and Patriot were raised by the same people?
    Good luck to you and LD Mike.

  5. Hi Jess,
    LD Patriot (ret.) was raised by Carol and Ed in Rockford Illinois. If they raised Jetta too, then yes, there is a connection.
    Thank you for reading My Leader Dog Journal.


  6. Hi Wayne,
    I only made it back to this post now. Yes, they raised Jetta as well. She was their "wild child" and they never thought she would pass. LOL
    I'm so glad I found your blog and look forward to following you and LD Mike. :)
