Friday, February 11, 2011

Welcome home Leader Dog Mike!!!!

The clock is ticking but time seems frozen. Mike the trainer just called. They will be here in fifteen minutes. My stomach is a tight knot, my hands are trembling, my mind is racing from one thought to another… what if we don’t bond… what if it doesn’t work out… will he like his new home… why aren’t they here already???
The white Leader Dogs For the Blind van pulls up in front of the house. The instructions were simple. Mike the trainer will come in and have me sign some papers, hand me the leash and give me the OK to go out to the van and meet LD Mike. In a dream like sequence, I see myself signing the papers. Mike is talking but his voice gets lost in my thoughts. LD Mike is in the van. Just a few yards from me! Suddenly the leash is in my hands and Mike says “OK lets go meet your boy” I’m flying towards the van. The door opens and THERE HE IS! in his crate. Mike took the leash from me and snapped it to LD Mike’s collar and he came charging out of the crate and into my life.
Holding that leash felt so amazing. The next step was to introduce LD Mike to Leni and Harley who were there waiting anxiously to greet him. The two dogs took to each other instantly while Leni and I were performing feats of magic of untangling leashes and puppies.
Once the two dogs got a good sniff of each other, Mike said it would be OK for Leni to take the leash and say her hello’s to LD Mike. Tails were wagging and smiles were plastered across everyone’s face.
We go inside and let the two dogs interact while we talk and lay down the training plan. LD Mike relaxes contentedly in his bed chewing on his Nylabone while Harley is nearby instigating. At one point, they were both chewing on either end of the poor Nylabone.
Mike the trainer stayed long enough to give me my homework… listen to some of the lectures and bond with LD Mike. The latter part didn’t take long. While Mike the trainer was still here I had to use the restroom. I got up and asked him to hold on to LD Mike’s leash. The moment I left the room LD Mike followed me with his eyes. Mike made him SIT but his gaze was fixed on the door I had gone out of as if he was wondering where I had gone and why I didn’t take him along. The moment he heard my footsteps approaching, he stood up, his tail wagging frantically and took a few steps towards me. We spent the rest of the afternoon playing and just letting LD Mike explore his new home and get to know us. Now as I am typing this LD Mike is sleeping by my feet. 
Welcome home LD Mike.


  1. Congratulations on LD Mike coming home!

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  3. We are so happy for you, Wayne, and know that Mike will have a wonderful life working with you. Thank you for keeping us part of your journey!

  4. Hi Wayne, Sounds like your first day together was great. I am happy to hear you love Mike and he loves you already also. Mike keep up the good work and Wayne enjoy a great dog! Julia and Reese (Mike's Mom)

  5. Hi Wayne, what a great post! Love the picture of both dogs together. Looking forward to reading more :-)
